Health Policy
Education + Research

Introducing our Immersion Program in Health Policy Studies.
Application deadline is March 31, 2025.

Modern healthcare is good, but it could be much better. Most people recognize the need for change, yet the ideas put forth by conventional policy experts and political leaders often fail to deliver meaningful improvements—or they make existing problems worse.

We believe that for a society to thrive, a new approach to health policy is needed that enables people to act freely as producers and pursuers of health, guided by their own ideas, values, and judgment. Our vision for health and medicine in society is one of choice, competition, progress, and abundance, as against one of control, protection, stagnation, and scarcity. The Center for Modern Health engages in education and research aimed at advancing these ideas in health policy.

Read more about our Education Program and our Research Activities.

United States Capitol, Washington D.C.